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Planning for Old Age – Update on ‘Fair Deal’ & an ‘Overview of the family tax landscape’

By November 16, 2021Events

Thursday 18 November 2021 | 6pm – 8pm

The North West Society will present our November webinar, ‘Planning for Old Age: Update on Fair Deal & An overview of the family tax landscape’ which will take place from 6-8pm on Thursday next, 18 November.

Maura Ginty, Gintax 
Maura advises private Irish business and families on tax; she has her own firm Gintax and before this was with KPMG for 16 years. She is a Chartered Accountant and member of Irish Taxation Institute

Ultan Hynes is National Head of Service, Nursing Homes Support Scheme, which is administered by the Health Service Executive.  The NHSS, or Fair Deal Scheme, is a statutory scheme of financial support to assist clients with the cost of nursing home care.  The Scheme receives 10,000 approx. applications and has a budget in excess of €1bn. per annum.

Topics covered:

Family tax planning for the busy practitioner
•    General overview
•    CGT & CAT reliefs
•    Key ages for clients
•    New and not so new “landmines”
•    Agricultural land – what to watch out for
•    Main home exemption – where we are now
•    Parental loans – recent changes

Fair Deal … what you need to know
•    Practical examples of Financial Assessment cases (case studies)
•    How long it takes to approve a financial assessment
•    Can you do some work in advance to ensure no delays
•    What kind of Income is ‘assessable’ in applying the rules?
•    Recent amendment to the NHSS legislation which provides for changes to family farms and businesses.