Mayo LEO, MSLETB in association with Castlebar Chamber Invite you
To a Breakfast Briefing with A FREE BREAKFAST ON US
next Tuesday October 04th at Breaffy House, Time 7.30am
TOPIC: To explore the Education and Training supports and Options available for Business and Enterprise
Look forward to seeing you there..
Bernard Hughes
President Castlebar Chamber of Commerce
In Association with Castlebar Chamber of Commerce and as part of the Mayo Local Enterprise Office Led Mayo Ideas Week
We invite you to a Breakfast Briefing – Book using this link Skills for Your Business and Employees or click the image below
Details of Breakfast Briefing Tuesday 4th Oct 7.30 – 9AM
Location Breaffy House
Open Invitation to all Businesses and Employers in Mayo and surrounding Counties to join MSLETB and the Castlebar Chamber Of Commerce for a Breakfast Briefing to explore the Education and Training supports and Options available for Business and Enterprise
Did you Know? As an employer you pay a levy rate of 1% of reckonable earnings in 2022?
The National Training Fund (NTF) was established by the National Training Fund Act 2000 to raise the skills of those in employment, to give jobseekers relevant skills and to facilitate lifelong learning.
The theme of this Breakfast Briefing covers two topic areas that are funded through the NTF – Apprenticeships and Training For people in Employment
- Apprenticeships – “Employers get involved” Many Small, Medium and Large Organisations are reaping the benefits of the apprenticeship process – Learning “On-The-Job” provides “Action Learning” in a live working environment with the employer. This learning is underpinned by a structured academic programme. Training is provided free of charge. Mentors must be nominated by employers – mentors are supported throughout the programme and add another “learning mindset” dimension to organisations. Retention has been cited as a significant ROI. (30 Mins Presentation followed by Q&A)
- Sean Burke: Area Training Manager Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board (MSLETB)
- Linda Lally: SOLAS Authorised Officer Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board (MSLETB)
- Skills – “Develop Within” Employers contribution to the National Training Fund – Training for your employees – training delivered in a flexible way at mutually agreed times. Training can be provided in the workplace. Free of Charge or heavily subsidised. Recruitment and retention in Irelands tightening labour market is an issue across all sectors. Local employee shortages and employees’ new outlook on work-life balance have added complexity to an already competitive labour market. Upskilling and reskilling your existing workforce – improve retention and could help to fill some of those difficult to fill vacancies . (30 Mins Presentation followed by Q&A)
- Sean Burke: Area Training Manager Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board (MSLETB)
- Geraldine O’Haire Employer Engagement Officer Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board (MSLETB)
- Aidan Tighe Employer Engagement Officer Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board (MSLETB)
A Complimentary Breakfast will be provided.
A full schedule of the Mayo Ideas Week progamme is available at www.mayoideasweek.ie