Our Mission

The mission of our Chamber is to harness the resources and goodwill of all stakeholders in Castlebar so that the town is an attractive place for you to start-up and / or expand your business and to become the best you aspire to be, for yourself, your family, your employees and your community.



Anne Conlon

Title President

Founder of All About Sales & Conlon Talent Development 

Anne was elected President of Castlebar Chamber in September 2023.  She previously chaired the Castlebar Enterprise Town Committee and was honoured to be presented with the prestigious Rising Star Award on behalf of the committee and town. She was President of Network Ireland Mayo from 2018- 2020 and sat on the Network Ireland National Executive from 2020-2023. The founder of All About Sales, sales and marketing training and coaching business Anne also lectures part-time at ATU as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Enterprise & Technology. With a Masters’s in Adult Learning & Development and a Master in Science Digital Marketing and Media, Anne is a leading Sales Strategist working with businesses internationally.

Ex Officio

Bernard Hughes


Michael Callaghan

Head of Commercial Finance Carraig Donn

 Michael joined the chamber committee in 2023. Michael is a finance professional with 30+ years’ experience in Finance and General Management roles including more than 25 years in senior management and Board positions. His working career to date has been across the IT; retail and manufacturing sectors. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and a member of the Institute of Directors.

Committee Council

John Caulfield

Managing Director at Caulfield Business Consultancy Ltd

John’s current consultancy business involved him in projects with a variety of national and international organisations. His most recent role was a second term as Interim CEO of the Road Safety Authority (RSA). His prior working career had been with Baxter Inc., a Global Healthcare company, where he held a variety of leadership positions in Operations and Human Resources Management at international level. He has extensive experience in business strategy, organisation design and development, business process re-engineering, employee engagement, mentoring and public relations. He is a Fellow of the CIPD and a member of the Institute of Directors. He has been actively involved in several volunteering initiatives with The Atlantic Economic Corridor (AEC) Business Forum, Mentor Mayo, the GAA, Mayo General Hospital and a number of charitable trusts. He is a member of the Enterprise Committee of the Castlebar Chamber.

Membership Officer

Michael Gill

Head of Business, Humanities & Technology GMIT

Michael has been on the chamber committee since 2007. He has worked with the Chamber on numerous projects over the years with a particular focus on education and training.

Membership Officer

Ger Scully

Gerard Scully LIB QFA PB Qualified Financial Advisor

Current Position Bank Manager covering Mayo County Business,Agri and Asset Finance Requirements.

25 years Banking experience covering a number of roles within the Finance Sector.

Keen Interest in supporting and growing local businesses within our community.

Committee Council

Una Kilbane

Committee Council

Rory Curran

Castlebar wins the Rising Star Award of 2019

Tom Dowling, Chair of the judging panel of the Bank of Ireland National Enterprise Town Awards:

“My colleague judges and I were very impressed with the excellent presentation on the day of judging and also the level of top-class support, active participation and endorsement, by a large number of key town influencers who were in attendance.

We were convinced by the town’s demonstration of a sustained fight-back in its efforts to be a strong capital town and a key regional influencer. We were very impressed by the progressive approach of the County Council and the local Chamber of Commerce. We also believed that the excellent future plans, its top class recreational facilities and visitor attractions, its excellent hotels, restaurants and retail businesses all combined to make Castlebar a great Rising Star winner in the Bank of Ireland National Enterprise Town Awards.

Castlebar is certainly a town with a bright future.”